Bear Stearns

Bear Stearns

Entity Type
Founding Date
Key Date

The Bear Stearns company was founded in 1923 and survived the Stock Market Crash of 1929, becoming a global investment bank with branches around the world. Competent management and risk-taking saw Bear Stearns continue to grow with the global economy. Bear Stearns collapsed during the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008 and the company's assets were ultimately disposed of to JP Morgan Chase for pennies on the dollar.

David Malpass

2002 - 2008

Alberto Gallo

2007 - 2008

Chris Eddy

2004 - 2008

Nitya Sharma

2004 - 2007

Marc Pfeffer

2001 - 2004

Michael Livian

1995 - 2000

Matthew Tuttle

1998 - 1999

Tom Trowbridge

1996 - 1998

David Sher

1991 - 1997

Mike Lafitte

1989 - 1992

Jono Steinberg

1986 - 1988

Henry Kravis

1969 - 1976

George Roberts

1969 - 1976

  • Founded in 1923

Bear Stearns Involvement in 2008 Mortgage Crisis

  • was deeply involved in the subprime mortgage criss
  • announced it's first loss in 80 years in December 2007 from the crisis
  • bonds were downgraded to junk by Moody's in January 20078