
DeFi Education Fund

Entity Type
Founding Date

The DeFi Education Fund is a nonpartisan education and advocacy group working to explain the benefits of DeFi, achieve regulatory clarity for the future of the global digital economy, and help realize the transformative potential of DeFi for everyone. To accomplish its multi-pronged mission, the DEF distributes grants to individuals and organizations to enhance their focus on and advocacy for decentralized finance. The DEF educates regulators and policymakers and advocates for smart approaches.


  • Policymaker Education. 

Educating legislative and regulatory policymakers about the benefits of DeFi and decentralized governance.

  • Messaging. 

Better formulating ideas, preparing spokespeople, and communicating to policymakers and the general public the benefits and promise of DeFi.

Explaining and demystifying the existing and potential benefits and uses of DeFi.

  • Legal Firepower. Developing a strong bench of legal advocates in multiple jurisdictions and venues.

  • Grassroots Advocacy. 

Making it easy for DeFi community members to voice their opinions in the policymaking process.

  • Best Practices. 

Developing models for all DeFi projects to benefit from collectively.