Blockchain Association

Blockchain Association

Entity Type
Founding Date

Blockchain Association is the leading nonprofit organization dedicated to serving as a unified voice of the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. Focused to improve the pro-innovation policy environment for the digital asset economy, the association empowers the community to leverage blockchain and scalable technologies for business growth and transformation. The association is composed of industry leaders advocating for the innovation and collaboration that will unlock the promising potential within the crypto community, promoting peer-to-peer technology that puts power in the hands of creators and consumers. In addition, Blockchain Association works with the members to educate policymakers about blockchain technology and its ability to pave the way for a more secure, competitive, and consumer-friendly digital marketplace.


  • Blockchain Association aims to forge consensus on key policy solutions among regulators, lawmakers, and the public.

  • The association is composed of innovative members working on the most diverse projects in crypto, advancing a more open and democratic digital future for all.

  • The association provides representation, guidance, and community that promotes the potential of blockchain technology, ensuring its success.