Paul Kovarsky

Paul Kovarsky

Formal First Name

Paul Kovarsky is National Account Director at Kaplan Professional. With over 15 years of international experience, he has gained extensive experience in managing key stages of the business development process, from strategy to program development to execution. Kovarsky has a solid career foundation as an analyst and portfolio manager with rich investment expertise across market cycles. He utilizes leading-edge analyses and technologies to produce innovative programs that achieve and transcend business objectives.

Professional Experience

Academic History

  • As an accredited trainer, Kovarsky led the Relationship Management function for financial institutions in the US and Canada for Australasia’s premier bank, Westpac.
  • His conference speaking engagements include events by Pensions&Investments, InsideETFs, Exchange Traded Forum, and CFA New York.
  • He is a frequent speaker on topical industry issues, appearing on Real Vision TV, RIAChannel, and AdvisorAnalyst. 

CFA Institute