Fortress Investment Group is a highly diversified investment manager that provides sophisticated global investment strategies for institutional investors and private clients. It manages assets across a range of credit and real estate, private equity, and permanent capital investment strategies. Fortress was the first large private equity firm in the United States to be traded publicly on the New York Stock Exchange.
1998 - present
2011 - 2016
2002 - 2015
2008 - 2012
2007 - 2010
2002 - 2010
2006 - 2009
2003 - 2008
2005 - 2006
1996 - 2001
Fortress's expertise extends to pricing, owning, financing, and overseeing the management of physical and financial assets ranging from real estate and capital assets to financial assets secured by diversified long-term cash flows.
In the course of executing investments and operating portfolio companies, Fortress has developed a team of investment professionals with significant sector-specific expertise and relationships with leading companies, institutions, and individuals worldwide.
Fortress has refined a set of tools for assessing operational, structural and strategic challenges. These tools allow Fortress to engage in and extract value from complex investments.
Fortress works with corporate boards of directors, management and various stakeholders in order to determine optimal structuring and execution of an investment.
Fortress has expertise in securing low-cost, low-risk financing for its investments by accessing the debt and equity capital markets.
Assets under management: $49.9 billion (as of September 30, 2020)