Stories.Finance is a niche digital media platform for finance professionals and finance students. The platform features stories from experts with focus on personal experiences and narratives. These stories can be dramatic, funny, or informative, offering insights into the world of finance beyond numbers.
The platform features stories from experts with focus on personal experiences and narratives.
These stories can be dramatic, funny, or informative, offering insights into the world of finance beyond numbers.
Stories.Finance features stories on a variety of topics, including career journeys within finance, specific events or situations encountered in the field.
Douglas Lucas is the creator and publisher of Stories.Finance.
He is an expert in fixed income and structured product credit risk with over 30 years of experience in the financial industry.
He is also known for being one of the pioneers in the field of quantitative work in default correlation.
Previously, he was Group Managing Director at Moody’s Investors Services, where he created Moody’s CLO rating methodology, including the WARF and diversity score measures of portfolio credit risk.