Peter Atwater

Peter Atwater

Formal First Name

Peter Atwater is Adjunct Professor of Economics at College of William and Mary, and President of Financial Insyghts, a consulting firm that advises institutional investors, Fortune 500 executives, and global policymakers on how social mood affects decision making, the economy, and the markets. Atwater is a pioneer in securitization and a long-time financial services executive. He studies the impact of changing confidence on consumer decision-making, using his research to advise investors, business leaders, and policymakers. After a successful career in financial services, including 13 years with JPMorgan and executive leadership roles at Bank One, he turned his attention to socionomics – how changes in social mood drive changes in our behavior. Today, through his firm, Financial Insyghts, he brings a practical understanding of the world of finance coupled with a keen awareness of human decision making.

Professional Experience

Academic History


  • Given his talent to knit Wall Street, Main Street, and Constitution Avenue, Atwater is a renowned favorite of the media. 

  • He writes and speaks about how changes in confidence affect our preferences, decisions, and actions. 

  • He built and then ran JPMorgan’s asset-backed securities business.

  • He also served in executive roles at First USA, Bank One and Juniper Financial.

  • He was called "one of the smartest guys you have never heard of on anything financial" by Herb Greenberg of CNBC.

  • He has also written financial articles for the World Policy Institute.

  • He coined the term the “KShaped Recovery" to describe the extreme confidence divide that he saw between those at the top and bottom of the economy, arising from the pandemic.