The Moorad Choudhry Anthology

The Moorad Choudhry Anthology

Full Name
The Moorad Choudhry Anthology: Past, Present and Future Principles of Banking and Finance

Moorad Choudhry Anthology is the definitive and timeless guide to the principles of banking and finance. It compiles the best of renowned author’s incisive writings on financial markets and bank risk management, together with new material that reflects the legislative changes in the post-crisis world of finance and the impact of digitization and global competition. Every bank in the world needs to be up to speed on these issues, and this book is the answer to this new global policy response.

Praise for The Moorad Choudhry Anthology

"Any professional involved with banking can use this thorough reference text covering a bank's intermediary role, the nature of its balance sheet, how yield curves work, regulatory capital, and the fundamentals of bank strategy, conduct, credit, liquidity, and asset-liability management. While bringing in current concepts such as derivatives, securitization and stress testing, he emphasizes throughout the book that the basic conservative principles of bank management, strategic planning, and corporate governance remain the same. Excellent work."

Henry A. Davis, Editor, Journal of Structured Finance, and Journal of Investment Compliance, Washington DC

"The Moorad Choudhry Anthology is Google for financial professionals! This mega resource is a first aid kit for boiling minds of bankers and a guide-dog for those who want to get started in the world of financial markets and institutions. Prof. Choudhry masterfully deep dives into details of risk measurement and management of financial instruments as well as discourses on global topics like principles and perspectives of banking business and finance overall. This highly awaited book will definitely find a place on the desks of every practitioner and academician."

Polina Bardaeva, PhD, FRM, Director Group ALM, Treasury, Sberbank, Moscow

"Moorad Choudhry, based on a rock-solid understanding of the original principles of banking, writes a book that is a thorough and practical guide to develop a strategic and forward-looking ALM function that takes into account the interaction among business cycles, interest rates, liquidity and credit losses. Essential reading for a bank manager."

Fernando Dasso, Chief Financial Officer, Credicorp, Lima

"The Moorad Choudhry Anthology is a must-read for all risk professionals in banking. The comprehensive account of the essentials across Asset- Liability and Liquidity Management is an authoritative reference, highly recommended for all practitioners serious with their careers in treasury and risk management in banks."

Tay Kay Luan, CEO, Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers, Kuala Lumpur