An Introduction to Banking

An Introduction to Banking

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An Introduction to Banking: Principles, Strategy and Risk Management

Introduction to Banking is a comprehensive and jargon-free guide to the banking operation. Written at the foundational level, this book provides a broad overview of banking to give you an all-around understanding that allows you to put your specialty work into context within the larger picture of your organization. It is critical for new and aspiring bankers to understand the full breadth of the operation and where their work fits in. Introduction to Banking provides an accessible yet complete primer, with emphasis on the areas that have become central to sustainable banking operation.

Praise for An Introduction to Banking

"A worthy book for professionals and students alike. The easy-to-read style of this book from an author who is very deep-rooted in everyday bank business promotes great understanding, as well as enjoyment from the activities of both generating profit and minimizing risks."

Dr. Martin Czurda, CEO, Austrian Anadi Bank, Klagenfurt

"Moorad Choudhry, based on a rock-solid understanding of the original principles of banking, writes a book that is a thorough and practical guide to develop a strategic and forward-looking banking practice that takes into account the interaction among business cycles, interest rates, liquidity and credit losses. Essential reading for a bank manager."

Fernando Dasso, Chief Financial Officer, BCP, Lima

"I've read it fully and can say it is one of a kind. A super useful tool for bankers and staff in the capital markets."

Issa Soormally, Deputy Governor, Bank of Mauritius, Port Louis

"While working on my MBA master thesis in Finance (corporate banking), I was always reading Professor Choudhry's books as they are more valuable and better structured than most of the books in Finance."

Piotr Lagodzinski, VTB, Frankfurt