Fund Your Future

Fund Your Future

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Fund Your Future: A Tax-Smart Savings Plan in Your 20s and 30s

As a recent college graduate or young professional, you are entering a far different world than the one your parents entered 30 or 40 years ago. The ability to manage money and start saving for your future as soon as you land a good job is more critical than ever before. Deemed the perfect book for millennials, Fund Your Future provides a tax-smart savings plan for recent college graduates, young professionals, and those just starting a family, and individuals who are determined to take ownership of their financial well-being.

Praise for Fund Your Future

"This is a gimmick-free strategy session for planning a secure future. And with continued uncertainty about taxes, tax-smart planning is the way to go. Younglings: Take this advice to heart. Parents: Give your adult children the gift of knowledge—one that lasts a lifetime."

Karin Price Mueller,  The Star-Ledger 

"Ed Slott is a true retirement expert and one of the best at explaining complicated topics in clear, understandable language. Here he breaks savings down into three simple building blocks. It is a must-read for any young person."

Erik Budde, CEO,