Control Your Retirement Destiny

Control Your Retirement Destiny

Full Name
Control Your Retirement Destiny: Achieving Financial Security Before The Big Transition

Control Your Retirement Destiny provides practical how-to knowledge on what you need to do to get your finances in order to prepare for a transition out of the workforce. This book equips you with the knowledge you'll need to avoid big mistakes while optimizing the flow of funds to support the retirement you've always dreamed of. Control Your Retirement Destiny will enable you to take charge of your financial future right now to ensure a happy, secure retirement.

This book:

  • Covers all the major topics in retirement planning—investments, Social Security, annuities, taxes, healthcare, part-time work, and more
  • Provides examples of how planning decisions can result in a more secure outcome when they are coordinated
  • Helps couples coordinate their retirement incomes to maximize benefits
  • Explains how to work with advisors and how to find the best ones if you'd rather not plan your own finances