
Dana Anspach

Dana Anspach

Formal First Name

Dana Anspach is the Founder and CEO of Sensible Money, a fee-only financial planning and investment firm. She has been practicing as a financial planner since 1995. As a Retirement Management Analyst, Anspach has created a process that helps clients navigate through irrevocable retirement decisions with comfort and ease. She is actively involved in the industry, participating in conferences and committees for the Retirement Income Industry Association. She also authored several retirement-related books.

Professional Experience

Academic History

"The retirement income planning process is not static; it is alive with choices and variables. To make the best decisions you need a way to understand the interactions of the choices you make and the corresponding impact on your future. You need an independent voice; information free of the influence of politics, financial products, or advertising incentivized media articles. Thus was born the vision for Sensible Money." — Dana Anspach