Social Security Sense

Social Security Sense

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Social Security Sense: A Guide to Claiming Benefits for Those Age 60-70

Social Security Sense provides practical how-to knowledge to help you navigate through the numerous rules and make the best-claiming choices for you and your family. This book explains the changes that were signed into law in November 2015 and shows you real-life examples as to how your decisions affect your lifetime income. It is a book everyone age 55 or older should read before they begin their benefits. It will be a resource you turn to as you navigate your way through the claiming process and it will enable you to feel confident in the decisions you make.

This book:

  • Covers all the major aspects of Social Security claiming including the earnings limit, spousal benefits, ex-spousal benefits, taxation, survivor options, the benefit calculation formula, and more.
  • Explains the new rules that were signed into law in November 2015, and provides examples of how that affects your options based on your month and year of birth.
  • Provides concrete examples of how much you may get using one claiming age vs. another.
  • Helps couples use their benefits to get the largest amount of survivor income possible.
  • Shows you the common mistakes people make when doing their own benefit calculations and how those mistakes can lead you to making a less optimal decision.