Sensible Money is a fee-only investment advisory firm that specializes in retirement income planning. Sensible Money helps you create the freedom to live life without the thought of money. The firm employs a unique process designed to withstand the retirement risks you face, such as longevity, inflation, over-spending, and sequence risk. The firm works with people age 55 and older, helping them structure investments in a way to provide consistent retirement income while coordinating when and how to use other resources of income.
Sensible Money is a fee-only wealth management that creates a sensible retirement plan that lasts for life.
The firm brings calm, clarity, and comfort to retirement planning with straight forward, step-by-step advice from independent advisors.
Their services are designed to help clients navigate the complexities of retirement, including asset allocation, tax-efficient withdrawal strategies, Social Security optimization, and overall retirement income planning.
Their typical client is someone age 50 plus with $1 million or more of investable financial assets.
Your plan is delivered over a series of strategy meetings using proprietary modeling tools, written reports, engaging discussions, and follow-up emails with action steps.
Investment Management.
An all- inclusive service whereby we provide a full suite of financial planning services. We find this is most appropriate for those with $1M or more of investable assets.