The Index Fund Solution

The Index Fund Solution

Full Name
The Index Fund Solution: A Step-By-Step Investor's Guide

The Index Fund Solution is a source guide that helps you maximize your returns while minimizing your risks. With tips on how to extensively know index funds with individual stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, this book also contains information about why index funds are used to buy and hold all stocks or bonds within a given group of securities, while ensuring you will do as well as the market average. The Index Fund Solution is an easy-to-understand guide that teaches everyone to thrive in funds to create a successful investment strategy.

  • The authors suggest that whether you are saving for a child's education, the purchase of a house, or your retirement nest egg, index funds can be the key to unlocking the potential of dependable, long-term returns.

  • This is a primer on using index funds to build a core portfolio, both with tax-deferred funds, such a 401(k) retirement savings, and taxable funds.

Table of Contents


Part 1. Index Funds Versus Non-Index Funds

  1. An Unlikely Beginning

  2. The Emperor Has No Clothes

  3. Smoke, Mirrors, and Crystal Balls

  4. What's Performance

  5. Fund Returns; Index Versus Non-Index

  6. Does the Past Predict?

  7. Why Can't Non-Index Funds Do Better?

  8. A Noble Invention

Part 2. The Five Giant Steps to Wealth

  1. Giant Steps 1 and 2: Planning

  2. Investing for Retirement

  3. Giant Step 3: Build Your Portfolio

  4. Giant Step 4: Cut Taxes

  5. Giant Step 5: Don't Tinker, Don't Wait

  6. An Update on Index Funds, with Model index Portfolios
