Crash Proof

Crash Proof

Full Name
Crash Proof: How to Profit From the Coming Economic Collapse

The economic tipping point for the United States is no longer theoretical. It is a reality today. Crash Proof is an informed and informative warning of a looming period marked by sizeable tax hikes, loss of retirement benefits, double-digit inflation, even the possible collapse of the middle class. This book contains a survival plan that can provide the protection that readers will need in the coming years.

Praise for Crash Proof

"The dot-com implosion proves that we all need Peter Schiff's vision of investing. His view is so global and so unique in its approach, and at a time when we all should be looking to crash-proof our portfolios, Schiff offers us this much-needed life-raft."

Liz Claman, Co-Host, CNBC Morning Call

"For those accustomed to America's economic dominance, Crash Proof is a frighteningly forthright wake-up call. But Peter Schiff is one Cassandra whose voice deserves your rapt attention. Devoid of the usual Wall Street spin, this frank and prophetic read will make you reconsider the very foundations on which your financial house is built."

Jonathan Hoenig, Portfolio Manager, Capitalistpig Hedge Fund LLC

"Schiff does an outstanding job of outlining the dangers to individual investors of the current economic environment and presents a plausible plan about how to deal with the risks."

David W. Tice, Portfolio Manager, Prudent Bear Funds

"A sober assessment of the financial problems facing our country. Reading this book will prepare you for potential outcomes that Wall Street and the mainstream financial media are completely unaware of."

Bill Fleckenstein, Founder and President of Fleckenstein Capital