Massey on Money

Massey on Money

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Massey on Money: How to Plan, Protect and Make Your Money Last for Life!

In Massey on Money, radio program host Jeff Massey offers his invaluable insight and advice on wealth management matters. He provides an essential road map to help you on the journey to a successful retirement, with easy-to-understand directions on how to discover your best investment options. In this book, Jeff Massey provides a roadmap that will help you on the journey towards a successful retirement. It's never too late to prepare for your financial future, even if you aren't a "numbers person." Massey on Money™ will show you how.

Massey on Money will help you how to:

  1. Discover your best investment options

  2. Maximize your Social Security benefits and minimize your tax burden

  3. Choose a financial advisor with your best interests at heart

  4. Prepare for inflation and work around it

  5. Safeguard your estate for your loved ones

  6. And many more