Clan Capital is an independent wealth management firm that provides financial advice and investment management solutions to help families make better financial decisions and grow their capital. The firm offers an extensive framework and sophisticated analysis to accommodate the unique and varied requirements of its clients. It specializes in international investments, and in helping clients diversify across global markets to protect well-earned capital.
Clan Capital provides a comprehensive framework that helps families examine their goals, financial situation, preferences, and priorities to establish a strategic investment plan.
Key components involve assessing financial strength, risk tolerance, budgeting, saving, risk mitigation, and long-term investment practices that suit the behavioral make-up of the family.
Investment Management centers around an investment policy statement, that articulates the key goals, priorities, and restrictions to be followed within investment activities.
Retirement planning is designed to ensure that sufficient investment capital is accumulated to provide for the comfort and security of families into old age.
Estate planning is designed to provide a seamless transfer of accumulated wealth from generation to generation.