Miles Clyne

Miles Clyne

Formal First Name

Miles Clyne is Founder and Portfolio Manager of Tycuda Group, a firm that utilizes specialized models and submodels which incorporate very specific algorithms in order to provide our investors an experience second to none. In his role, Miles designs portfolios to capture a wide variety of needs, with an emphasis on customized investment strategies that consistently outpace the market. He also helps investors understand their choices and the consequences of these choices against the industry from a practical perspective. Having spent a considerable amount of time in the financial industry, Miles has developed a keen understanding and ability to articulate the financial realm which led him to author weekly articles for a financial column over a period of 5 years.

Professional Experience

  • Miles Clyne has managed money for two decades and has developed a proprietary investment process designed to balance Risk, Return, and Recovery™.

  • His thorough experience and understanding of finance and investing has deepened as he developed his proprietary software, Quest Portfolio Analytics™.

  • Miles’ approach to investing is simple, yet effective – bridging the gap between market management and clients’ unique financial goals, he brings stability, income and growth to portfolio management.

Miles Clyne specializes in:

Miles Clyne holds the following financial designations & licenses: