Sovereign Man: Confidential

Sovereign Man: Confidential is one of the world's most comprehensive toolkit designed to protect your assets and protect your freedom. The service offers step-by-step instructions for dozens of strategies that will help your invest into lucrative investments out of drastically overvalued stock markets. It also delivers all of this through regular intelligence reports, comprehensive video library, and live teleconferences with the Simon Black himself.


  • Extraordinarily Comprehensive Video Library. 

Gain access to SMC's comprehensive library which contains 50+ highly actionable and educational videos that explain dozens of incredible strategies you can take advantage of. 

  • Step-By-Step Intelligence Reports. 

Every month, you will receive an in-depth intelligence report focusing on domestic and international diversification strategies with step-by-step instructions and contacts who can help you implement the solutions.

  • Quarterly In-Depth Black Papers. 

SMC's quarterly Black Papers are in-depth research reports that go into extreme detail about a specific topic. It included 14 different countries with detailed instructions and requirements.

  • Simon's boots-on-the-ground reports in Monthly Dispatches. 

Everything Simon Black learns from these valuable experiences is passed on in a monthly correspondence to subscribers of Sovereign Man: Confidential.

  • Member's Only Monthly Q&A. 

If you still have questions after accessing all of these tools and education, you can submit them to SMC's monthly members-only Q&A, where Simon will answer them in detail.

  • Members-Only Discounts. 

Many of the solutions and tools they recommend are absolutely free. But some of them do require an additional investment, like establishing an asset protection structure. In those cases, they almost always negotiate steep discounts with their vetted contacts. 

  • An archive with 8 Years of Information. 

As a member of Sovereign Man: Confidential, you receive several new reports every month. You have access to an archive with hundreds of solutions that they have published in the past 8 years.


  • James Hickman, also known as Simon Black, is an expert on diversifying your life and assets internationally – ensuring that no single government ever has control over you or your financial choices.

  • He has traveled to 120+ countries on all 7 continents, and has started, invested in, and acquired businesses all over the world.

  • Earlier in his career, he was a West Point graduate and former US Army intelligence officer during Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.