Sovereign Man

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Sovereign Man provides bold, uniquely insightful analysis catering to sophisticated free thinkers. The platform provides actionable intelligence and rational solutions for personal liberty and financial prosperity. Sovereign Man's focus is internationalization. According to Simon Black, internalization is the best insurance against governments and central banks gone wild. You insure your home against fire. Since 2009, Sovereign Man has taught over 200,000 members how to build a robust Plan B, in terms of immigration, investment and residency programs. 


  • Sovereign Man provides services to help people achieve sovereignty over their lives and money

  • The website caters to people who seek to “achieve true freedom and prosperity.” To do that, Simon Black suggests you, “have to be able to make more money, keep more of it, and increase your freedom.”

  • It aims to help people take advantage of investment opportunities around the world that generate exceptional returns while taking minimal risk.


  • James Hickman, also known as Simon Black, is an expert on diversifying your life and assets internationally – ensuring that no single government ever has control over you or your financial choices.

  • He has traveled to 120+ countries on all 7 continents, and has started, invested in, and acquired businesses all over the world.

  • Earlier in his career, he was a West Point graduate and former US Army intelligence officer during Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.