Ramsey Smith

Ramsey Smith

Formal First Name

Ramsey Smith is a notable entrepreneur and founder of ALEX.fyi, a platform for retirement income solutions. With more than 25 years of experience on Wall Street, he is a true believer in the importance of education when it comes to empowering consumers. Prior to establishing ALEX.fyi, Smith served as managing director at Goldman Sachs for 21 years. As a serial intrapreneur, Smith pioneered and led multiple equity derivative businesses. In the life insurance field, he developed a franchise that provided corporate-level risk management and investment strategies for the nation’s top carriers.

Professional Experience

Academic History

  • Smith has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.
  • He believes in the power of annuities to provide guaranteed income to retirees at the time they need it the most.
    • He thinks that many retirement products offered today are too complex and expensive.
    • He really likes simple, low-fee annuities for retirement.
    • Annuities provide you with money when you need it the most at a time when you probably have the least other options.
  • In Smith’s view, the financial service industry has become "merchants of complexity" looking for ways to earn the explainer premium. He thinks the financial services industry has a tendency to look for complex solutions to complex problems. Why?
    1. Margins tend to be better.
    2. You have created a role for yourself as an explainer (the explainer premium)