Wise Investing Made Simpler

Wise Investing Made Simpler

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Wise Investing Made Simpler: Larry Swedroe's Tales to Enrich Your Future

Wise Investing Made Simpler delves deep into important investing principles without sacrificing simplicity. It tackles issues such as retirement planning, long-term investing, and owning property. New and experienced investors alike will benefit from the wisdom and sense of calm that Wise Investing Made Simpler shares in these pages.

Praise for Wise Investing Made Simpler

"I am an endowed professor of investments at Baylor University. I am well paid, widely quoted and considered an expert in investments. Yet, I do not own single individual security. Instead, I invest in a globally diversified portfolio of low-cost index funds and ETFs—the same strategy advocated in this book. Why? Based on decades of my research and that of others, in my opinion, it is the best way to manage money. Like many finance professors, I heed the advice advocated in this book and I encourage you to do the same."

— Dr. William Reichenstein, CFA, Pat and Thomas R. Powers Chair in Investment Management, Hankamer School of Business, Baylor University

"Larry's insights on investing has little in common with the self-interested advice of Wall Street or the popular financial press. Instead, it's culled from the best, most rigorous research on what really works. The amazing thing you will learn is that wise—and successful—investing really is simple. And the evidence for it, which Larry illustrates in a pleasing, true-to-life narrative style, is irrefutable.

— Eric Schurenberg, Editor in Chief, CBS MoneyWatch.com and BNET.com

"Larry Swedroe has provided simple yet compelling and timeless investment lessons told through a set of charming stories. Learning the morals from these stories can make all of us better investors."

— Burton G. Malkiel, author of A Random Walk Down Wall Street

"Larry Swedroe is a storyteller, and all his tales are a masterful mix of practical advice and profound insight. Each has the power to make you wealthier and happier, not least because Swedroe knows the difference."

— Gary Belsky, co-author, Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes And How To Correct Them: Lessons From The Life-Changing Science of Behavioral Economics