Matt Bohlsen

Matt Bohlsen

Formal First Name

Matt Bohlsen is a Research Analyst at Seeking Alpha. He has over three decades of personal investing experience and 19 years of professional financial advising experience. As a global investor, he uses a macro thematic approach searching for good value and high growth. Bohlsen scours the globe for great investments with a focus on trend investing themes. He looks to invest in these trends through the most attractive risk and rewards.

  • Based on over 30 years of industry experience, Matt Bohlsen has developed a series of investment rules to minimize the risks involved with trend or growth investing, while looking to maximize returns.
  • Some trends he currently follows include the rising Asian middle class, electric vehicles and the miners, the online data boom, 5G, IoTs, renewable energy, energy storage, 3D printing, personal robots, and autonomous vehicles.
  • Bohlsen also invests in income-producing investments that can grow over time and benefit from compounding, or help fund retirement income.