The Emergence of Numerical Weather Prediction

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The Emergence of Numerical Weather Prediction: Richardson's Dream

Lewis Fry Richardson visualized that scientific weather prediction would become a practical reality someday. Over the following fifty years progress, various advances were entailed before his ideas could bear result. In The Emergence of Numerical Weather Prediction, Lynch narrates the story of Richardson's trial forecast and the accomplishment of his dream of practical numerical weather forecasting. This book includes a entire reconstruction of Richardson's forecast and analyses in detail the causes of his failure.

"The Emergence of Numerical Weather Prediction is the best single source available for understanding Richardson's forecast--better even than Richardson's own book.... Lynch's book is more than just a historical case study--he has provided an insider's guide to how weather prediction works.

⁠— Brian Hayes, American Scientist

"...Lynch serves as an experienced guide--a trusted leader and companion who possesses the macroscopic view of Richardson's work and adds detail from his pervasive knowledge of the subject. Beyond the knowledge, he has the gift of writing where hard mathematical fact is eloquently mixed with history and that occasional but welcome tincture of humor. ... [this author gives] us the solid theory that is masterfully blended with history. The subjects come to life and inspire us. [This book] has a special placeyon my bookshelf. It is a treasure, and I will refer to it often." 

⁠— John M. Lewis, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society