Motley Fool Supernova, a growth-focused portfolio service, features a complete collection of real money model portfolios. It searches for long-term, high-growth, rule breaker companies, and provides more specific and precise buy and sell guidance and portfolio allocation recommendations. David Gardner wants to help you invest in high growth stock portfolios to obtain maximum profits based on the stock recommendations. Supernova can help you discover and profit from global trends, learn how to pick the best investments, and build a growth portfolio through this premium framework.
Upon subscription to Supernova, you'll receive:
Timely trade alerts and detailed explanations from Supernova portfolios
Access to Exploration Missions
An allocation calculator to match the analyst's suggested model portfolios
Periodic email updates
Exclusive access to Supernova Community Discussion Boards
Motley Fool Supernova portfolio strategy:
Investing the David Gardner way
Backed by real cash
Committed to community
Included memberships in Stock Advisor and Rule Breakers