The Buffettology Workbook

The Buffettology Workbook

Full Name
The Buffettology Workbook: Value Investing the Warren Buffett Way

The Buffettology Workbook creates an in-depth, step-by-step guide to the concepts and equations Warren Buffett uses to create fantastic wealth. Here, you will learn the difference between a great company and a great undervalued company. You will also discover how the short-sightedness of Wall Street pundits can work to your advantage. The Buffettology Workbook tells you where to look for investments with long-term, consistent, and extraordinary growth potential. Ultimately, this book will share the same financial calculations Buffett uses, so you can apply them to stocks you'd like to buy.

Table of Contents

Part I: Understanding Value Investing

  1. Short-Sightedness and the Bad News Phenomenon: The Gifts that Keep on Giving

  2. Identifying the Economic Engine Warren Wants to Own

  3. Identifying the Sick/Commodity Type Business

  4. The Healthy Business: The Consumer Monopoly

  5. Determining if the Business Has a Consumer Monopoly

  6. Where to Look for a Consumer Monopoly

  7. The Bad News that Creates a Buying Station

Part II: Warren Buffett's Intrinsic Value Equations

  1. Finding the Company and the Numbers

  2. Financial Calculation #1: Predictability of Earnings at a Glance

  3. Financial Calculation #2: A Test to Determine Your Initial Rate of Return

  4. Financial Calculation #3: Test for Determining the Per Share Growth Rate

  5. Financial Calculation #4: Relative Value to Treasury Bonds

  6. Financial Calculation #5: Understanding Warren's Preference for Companies That Earn High Rates of Return on Shareholders' Equity

  7. Financial Calculation #6: Determining the Projected Annual Compounding Rate of Return: Part 1

  8. Determining the Projected Annual Compounding Rate of Return: Part 2

  9. Financial Calculation #7: The Equity/Bond with an Expanding Coupon

  10. Financial Calculation #8: Using the Per Share Earnings Annual Growth Rate to Project an Investment's Compounding Annual Rate of Return

  11. Financial Calculation #9: Why Warren Loves Stock Repurchase Programs, or, How Can a Company Increase Its Shareholder's Fortunes by Buying Back the Company's Stock

  12. Financial Calculation #10: How to Determine if Per Share Earnings are Increasing Because of Share Repurchases

  13. Financial Calculation #11: How to Measure Management's Ability to Utilize Retained Earnings

  14. Financial Calculation #12: The Internet and Warren's Short-Term Arbitrage Commitments

Doing it Yourself: Buffettology Worksheet

Bringing it All Together: The Case Studies