The Future for Investors

The Future for Investors

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The Future for Investors: Why the Tried and the Triumph Over the Bold and the New

The Future for Investors: Why the Tried and the Triumph Over the Bold and the New breaks the traditional wisdom and provides a framework for selecting stocks that are projected to be long-term winners. Professor Siegel presents strategies within the context of the coming shift in global economic power and the demographic age wave that will sweep the United States, Europe, and Japan. The Future for Investors reveals new strategies that take advantage of the dramatic changes and opportunities that will appear in world markets.

Jeremy Siegel has done us a great service with his superb work. While no one can predict the future of stocks with certainty, Siegel’s analysis marks the verdict of history: the triumph of the shareholder over the shareflipper, the investor over the speculator, the builder over the gambler.”

Jim Collins, author of Good to Great and co-author of Built to Last

Jeremy Siegel’s lively new book is much more than a typical Siegelian guide to asset allocation. It is a masterful, provocative, fact-stuffed, commonsense, and creative guide to profitable stock-picking strategies. Even the most cynical and experienced investors will gain from reading Siegel’s latest contribution to their well-being.”

—Peter L. Bernstein, author of Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk

Jeremy Siegel is a wise man and an astute observer of the ever-changing investment universe. The Future for Investors is essential for the professional and serious amateur investor to navigate the new era.”

—Barton M. Biggs, managing partner, Traxis partners 

“The professor who taught America to love stocks in the 1990s is as optimistic as ever. But he’s added a new twist to his theory: Get dividends.”

Money magazine, December 2004  

“Siegel thinks about the future in a unique and original way, with insightful thoughts about the broad sweep of history as well as hard-headed investment analysis.”

Robert Shiller, author of Irrational Exuberance and The New Financial Order

“The ‘Wizard of Wharton’ weighs in on the markets ahead. . . . Deeply committed to understanding the macro-financial sector and its constant change has made him an outstanding teacher for [those] who hunger for his brand of forward-looking economics as they apply to the markets.”

—Stocks, Futures & Options magazine, September 2004