Unconventional Investing

Unconventional Investing

Full Name
Unconventional Investing: Alternative Strategies Beyond Just Stocks & Bonds and Buy & Hold

Providing you with the superior intelligence needed to avoid the pitfalls of buy-and-hold investing, Unconventional Investing was written to introduce and explain new and less traditional, unconventional investment strategies for your consideration. Moreover, it explains why, perhaps more than ever, you should be open to these ideas. Explaining how the Federal Reserve’s policies created a world that is riskier than ever, this book shows you how to make sure your 401(k) is truly diversified to protect yourself in this new environment.

"Unconventional Investing gives you the superior intelligence needed to avoid the pitfalls of buy-and-hold investing. It clearly explains how the Federal Reserve's policies created a world that's riskier than ever. It shows you how to make sure your 401(k) is truly diversified to protect yourself in this new environment. Best of all, it even gives you great examples of funds that you can buy tomorrow."

— Kimberly Amadeo, author of Beyond the Great Recession: What Happened and How to Prosper and US economy expert for About.com

"Tim and Mike have done a great job laying out the evidence that expanded diversification beyond the traditional 60/40 portfolio is the only logical approach when building a sound portfolio."

— Craig L. Israelsen, PhD, author of 7Twelve: A Diversified Investment Portfolio with a Plan

"Tim Higgins knows how financial markets work. His book provides valuable ideas for navigating today's complex world of investment and financial planning. Lots of food for thought, well worth reading."

 Hans Thamhain, professor, Bentley University

"Wise, authoritative and carefully documented; should stimulate deep thought in those who are willing to break free of the conventional investing mode."

— Kirkus Reviews