The Aden Forecast

The Aden Forecast


The Aden Forecast is a monthly 12-page investment letter famed for its precise forecasts of the stock market, as well as currencies, bonds, precious metals, interest rates, and international markets. It is designed with an easy-to-understand format and powerful advice that have consistently produced double-digit profits for its subscribers in its 37 years of service.


“I was totally unprepared for the sophisticated tools and procedures I found in Aden Research. And it shows in the results. The Adens are proven right again and again.”

Doug Casey, Crisis Investing

The Aden Forecast is one of the very best on the market; I’ve been reading it for years and my only comment is that it becomes better and more valuable as the years go by. The Aden’s do a lot of original and very incisive work. I would not be without this report — five stars and if I could find a sixth star I’d add it”

— Richard Russell, The Dow Theory Letters

“I’ve known Maryanne and Pamela for many years. When it comes to following the gold market they’re the best in the business. I don’t always agree with what they say…but I always want to know what they say before I make a move. ”

Bill Bonner, The Daily Reckoning

“I have had the pleasure of knowing the Aden Sisters for almost twenty years, and knowing OF them for thirty years. The Adens enjoy “legendary” status in both the “hard money” and technical analysis communities, status that they have earned through three decades of experience in observing and commenting on financial markets, and particularly the gold markets. The Adens have been especially successful because although they employ very sophisticated analytical tools, they communicate their findings in a simple, concise and usable fashion. Many of the analysts, commentators and investors I interact with in precious metals markets rely on the Aden Sisters unique insights and techniques, as have thousand of others over the last three decades. This professional respect and longevity is the most eloquent testimony to their value and success.”

Rick Rule, Global Resource Investments, Ltd.

“…the letter has shown remarkable tactical versatility…..over the longer run, the Aden Forecast’s superiority is striking. Over the past 12 months i.e. counting the Crash of 2008, it’s up 13% versus negative 6.4%% for the total return Wilshire 5000.”

Peter Brimelow, Market Watch