The Biotech Forum

The Biotech Forum

The Biotech Forum focuses on proprietary, breaking research on promising biotech and biopharma stocks with significant potential for outsized alpha. It offers compelling research for stock market investing in this lucrative sector. This investment service hosts a platform where scores of seasoned biotech investors trade news and investment ideas back and forth throughout the trading day.



A Model 20-stock portfolio with Bret Jensen's top small and mid-cap selections.

✓ Analysis

Detailed deep dives on every portfolio recommendation so you understand why it was added.

✓ Performance

Regular updates of the overall performance and of individual positions, so you know where things stand and what's still on the table. The Biotech Forum also publishes monthly portfolio reviews to focus on the big picture amidst the market noise.

✓ Coverage

A weekly roundup on portfolio stocks to update on pertinent news, analyst rating changes, and answer any questions you might have.

✓ Live Chat

A live chat community featuring hundreds of biotech investors. Get feedback, share ideas, ask questions, and find a little company as we invest in this up and down but lucrative sector.

✓ Updates

Breaking news and get your questions answered in real-time.