Automatic Profits Alert

Automatic Profits Alert

Just like any industry, the stock market goes through cycles. Chad Shoop has harnessed the money code inside the “Wall Street Calendar” and turned it into one of the most formidable profit formulas ever. It was devised on the notion that every sector of the stock market has a remarkably consistent "prime season," regardless of what is happening in the market. Automatic Profits Alert aims to identify the top stock of each sector during this season. This financial calendar does not just predict larger market moves, it also predicts the peak profit seasons in more than a dozen market sectors each year. All it takes is 15 minutes a month without using speculative investments or risky strategies.


The Original Wall Street Calendar 

This calendar not only forecasted the Great Depression nearly three decades in advance… but also the stock market crash of 2000 and 2008. We're going to give you a free copy of the data in this fascinating document so you can see exactly how cyclical the market is… how many patterns are built right into the financial world.

The Automatic Profits Calendar, Every Year 

This proprietary calendar will help you nearly double the average annual returns of the stock market. It simply tells you when each sector of the market will enter its prime season, what fund to buy to profit from the trend and when to sell. Plus, because funds change and better funds are formed, Chad will send you an updated version of this calendar every January.

Trade Alerts

Using his rules-based system, Chad will constantly monitor the various sectors of the stock market. As the sectors approach their prime season, Chad will pinpoint the best stock of each sector and make a clear, simple recommendation for you via email. Usually, it is just 1 or 2 trades a month. That's it. It shouldn't take more than 15 minutes to make these simple trades. 

Weekly Updates

Every week, Chad will check in with you. He will discuss what's happening with the various sectors in the model portfolio. Chad will break down exactly how these cycles are behaving, he'll reveal the trends that could be accelerating them or even potentially slowing them down.

Special Report: 5 Secret Cycles for Windfall Profits 

We found 5 powerful cycles every investor should harness for maximum gains – such as the single day of the month that can produce 550% more profits than EVERY other day of the month.

Special Report: Unlocking Your Brokerage Account 

This "Investing 101 Guide" reveals secrets for getting more cash out of your brokerage account … as much as 10-times more profit. 

A Free Subscription to Sovereign Investor Daily

This daily e-letter comes from our entire team of financial experts. It keeps you connected and up-to-date with the most important developments that could affect your life and your investments

A Dedicated Customer Service Team

When you sign up, you'll receive a confidential toll-free hot line number and email address to reach these representatives anytime between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through Friday where they'll answer any questions you have about your membership.