It Was a Very Good Year

It Was a Very Good Year

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It Was a Very Good Year: Extraordinary Moments in Stock Market History

For the first time in history, a prominent investment authority explores the phenomenon of sporadic occurrences when a particular financial market takes off beyond expectations — yielding an annual average return of more than 35% to investors. Devised to assist readers spot similar opportunities in the future, this unique book explores the history over the past two centuries to prepare everyone to the coming best ten years.

"This is a very timely, informative, and highly readable book. Because we are in the midst of a great bull market, It Was a Very Good Year offers wonderful insights into the years that provided spectacular gains in the past. There are important lessons in this book for all investors."

Henry Kaufman, President Henry Kaufman & Company, Inc.

"Martin Fridson has written a useful and extremely entertaining book. It's loaded with fascinating stock market lore and helpful investment approaches. I learned a lot and thoroughly enjoyed myself along the way."

Byron R. Wien, Managing Director, Investment Strategist for U.S. Equities Morgan Stanley Dean Witter.

"Financial history with a purpose -- it is a Very Good Book."

James Grant, Editor, Grant's Interest Rate Observer

"With this book, Marty Fridson joins the ranks of the must-read economic and financial historians. He is that rare combination of scholar, wit, raconteur, and man with an eyecon the bottom line. Read it for amusement, education, or profit. You can't lose."

Ben Stein, Writer, law professor at Pepperdine University, host of Win Ben Stein's Money.

There are times when the stock market moves up in almost a straight line, when prices rise rapidly and everyone who owns stocks makes money. But can you figure out when those times will be, so as to be ready to get rich quick? That is the question Martin S. Fridson ... one of Wall Street's most thoughtful and perceptive analysts, asked when he began It Was A Very Good Year...

Floyd Norris, The New York Times Book Review