Marty Fridson

Marty Fridson

Formal First Name
Martin (Marty)
1952 - present

Marty Fridson is the Chief Investment Officer of Lehmann Livian Fridson Advisors and Editor of Forbes/Fridson Income Securities Investor newsletter. Marty is recognized as one of Wall Street’s most thoughtful and perceptive analysts. He is “perhaps the most well-known figure in the high yield world,” according to Investment Dealers’ Digest. Previously, he was recognized for his innovative work in credit analysis and investment strategy at various brokerage firms including Salomon Brothers, Morgan Stanley, and Merrill Lynch. During his tenure at Merrill Lynch, he was named top high yield bond strategist for nine consecutive years in Institutional Investor's All America Research survey. Marty’s writing focuses primarily on political economy, investments, and the history of financial markets. He has served as President of the Fixed Income Analysts Society, Governor of the Association for Investment Management and Research, now CFA Institute, and Director of the New York Society of Security Analysts.

Professional Experience

Academic History


  • Forbes/Fridson Income Securities Investor is the leading newsletter providing advice on income securities including bonds, convertibles, preferreds, and hybrids.

  • Each month, the newsletter gives you nine meticulously researched recommendations that focus on high income generation and principal protection. 

  • Your subscription also includes updates on previous recommendations and expert insights into market conditions and outlook.