Marty Fridson is the Chief Investment Officer of Lehmann Livian Fridson Advisors and Editor of Forbes/Fridson Income Securities Investor newsletter. Marty is recognized as one of Wall Street’s most thoughtful and perceptive analysts. He is “perhaps the most well-known figure in the high yield world,” according to Investment Dealers’ Digest. Previously, he was recognized for his innovative work in credit analysis and investment strategy at various brokerage firms including Salomon Brothers, Morgan Stanley, and Merrill Lynch. During his tenure at Merrill Lynch, he was named top high yield bond strategist for nine consecutive years in Institutional Investor's All America Research survey. Marty’s writing focuses primarily on political economy, investments, and the history of financial markets. He has served as President of the Fixed Income Analysts Society, Governor of the Association for Investment Management and Research, now CFA Institute, and Director of the New York Society of Security Analysts.
Marty Fridson Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Forbes/Fridson Income Securities Investor is the leading newsletter providing advice on income securities including bonds, convertibles, preferreds, and hybrids.
Each month, the newsletter gives you nine meticulously researched recommendations that focus on high income generation and principal protection.
Your subscription also includes updates on previous recommendations and expert insights into market conditions and outlook.
Marty began his career covering corporate bond trading, securities analysis, investment strategy, and money management.
He has served as a consultant to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and as Special Assistant to the Director for deferred compensation in the office of management and the budget for the City of New York.
He has been a guest lecturer at the graduate business schools of Babson College, Columbia University, Dartmouth College, Duke University, Fordham University, Georgetown University, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, New York University, University of Notre Dame, Rutgers University, and Wharton School, as well as the Amsterdam Institute of Finance.
In 2000, he became the youngest person ever inducted into the Fixed Income Analysts Society Hall of Fame.
In 2000, The Green Magazine called Fridson’s Financial Statement Analysis “one of the most useful investment books ever.”
The Financial Management Association International named Fridson the Financial Executive of the Year in 2002.
He was declared "The Dean of High Yield" by Institutional Investor Magazine.
A study based on 16 core journals ranked Fridson among the ten most widely published authors in finance in the period 1990-2001.
In 2017, he received CFA Society New York's Ben Graham Award.
According to Barron’s, “No one brings more insight or a better reputation for integrity to the junk-bond market than Marty Fridson.”
Marty has appeared in Forbes, MoneyShow, Yahoo! Finance, Barron's, the Financial Times, and numerous professional periodicals such as Financial Analysts Journal and the Journal of Portfolio Management.