ION Asset Management

ION Asset Management

ION Asset Management is an investment management firm that focuses its investments on publicly traded Israeli and Israel-related securities. The firm manages funds across multiple asset classes, including hedge funds, managed accounts, private equity, SPAC, and mutual fund advisory.


ION Israel Fund

This fund is a long/short equity fund, focused on Israeli and Israeli-related companies with global exposure. Investors include a number of institutions, endowments, family offices, and high net-worth individuals.  

ION Tech Fund

This fund is a long/short equity fund focused on global technology companies. The managers believe in running a high-conviction concentrated portfolio, identified thorough fundamental in-depth analysis and rigorous research with equal emphasis on risk management at all levels. 

ION Crossover Partners

ICP focuses on founders with growth aspirations and businesses with untapped growth opportunities. It looks to invest when the businesses with is in its global expansion phase and has a substantial customer and revenue base. ICP has a long-term investment horizon and willingness to be patient when the right team finds the right market opportunity.