Texas Wall Street Women

Texas Wall Street Women

Entity Type
Founding Date

The Texas Wall Street Women is an exclusive peer network of professional women in the finance industry. TXWSW’s members come from hedge funds, private equity and venture capital firms, mutual funds, public pensions, endowments, foundations, wealth management firms, investment banks, attorneys, accountants, and other money-management and service provider firms. The group also welcomes individuals in government and nonprofit entities in the financial industry, as well as students who wish to pursue a career in finance and those looking to return to the field. TXWSW achieves these goals through their philanthropic endeavors, educational forums, and networking events.

Texas Wall Street Women in Numbers

  • 13+ Years Connecting Women Leaders in Finance

  • 1,300+ Events Hosted

  • 3,200+ Jobs/Careers Found Via the TXWSW Network

  • 13,200+ Membership/Reach

  • 68,000+ Hours Mentorship Hours Completed

  • $587,000+ Raised to Support College Prep-STEM Education

What Does TXWSW Do?

  1. Philanthropy

  • Supports young women's issue in the areas of education, financial literacy and leadership

  • Hosts events and volunteer opportunities including bi-annual fundraising affairs to support all-girls schools across Texas

  1. Education

  • Strives to foster individual professional development by hosting events featuring speakers from industry, investment management and academia

  • Discusses a broad range of topics related to finance and careers in finance

  1. Networking & Membership

  • Hosts monthly events in each active city as a way to bring together common-minded women dispersed throughout the state

  • Introduces women to the variety of career opportunities in the finance field through events held at local universities