Fund Spy

Fund Spy

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Fund Spy: Morningstar's Inside Secrets to Selecting Mutual Funds that Outperform

Fund Spy walks readers through the handful of key factors they need to pick winning funds. Written in a fun and accessible manner, this book explains how to avoid traps and push out the slick sales pitches facing today's investors. Armed with the quantitative data and qualitative research, readers will gain the confidence to pick great funds for the long-term. This book will be accompanied by a web-based tool created by Morningstar, which will enable readers to evaluate their own funds using Kinnel's criteria. Fund Spy also offers several "10 lists," which provide quick answers to investors' most common questions

  • Written in a fun and accessible manner, The Fund Spy offers Kinnel's unique insight as a 14-year Morningstar fund analyst.

  • Kinnel speaks plainly about the conflicts that can go against investor's interests, and explains how to avoid traps and push out the slick sales pitches facing today's investors.

  • Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, Fund Spy arms you with the information needed to intelligently screen and select a variety of funds.

  • Both effective new strategies and time-tested techniques are outlined throughout this reliable resource, all of the methods here will help you avoid common mistakes and outperform the average investor.

  • Combining quantitative data with qualitative research, Kinnel highlights key factors that drive fund performance and writes candidly about the industry's conflicts of interest that can harm investors.

Fund Spy provides a detailed discussion of:

  1. How to find managers who invest millions of their own money in their funds

  2. Why fund expenses really matter

  3. Using a fund's performance to understand its risk and reward profile, as well as its behavior in different types of markets

  4. How to find great fund managers and teams

  5. And much more

Table of Contents




  • Chapter 1: The Remarkable Gap Between Winners and Losers

  • Chapter 2: Does Your Manager Eat His Own Cooking?

  • Chapter 3: New Trading Cost Estimates Shed Light on a Big Mystery

  • Chapter 4: The Power of Expense Ratios Is Greater Than You Think

  • Chapter 5: How to Use Total Returns Wisely

  • Chapter 6: Understanding Mutual Fund Strategies and fundamental Risk

  • Chapter 7: How to Find Good Managers and Avoid the Dodgy Ones

  • Chapter 8: The Inside Scoop on No-Load Fund Companies

  • Chapter 9: The Inside Scoop on Broker-Sold Fund Companies

  • Chapter 10: Twenty Great Funds That Passed My Test

Appendix A: The Best of Eleven Years of Fund Spies

Appendix B: Vital Statistics on the 20 Funds That Passed Our Test


About the Author
