Martin Pelletier

Martin Pelletier

Formal First Name

Martin Pelletier is a Senior Portfolio Manager at TriVest Wealth, part of the Wellington-Altus Private Counsel. He is the co-manager of the firm’s risk-managed balanced fund and helps oversee custom built, high net worth and ultra-high net worth private client portfolios. He is also a weekly columnist in the Financial Post's Investment Pro section, where he shares his thoughts on the markets, financial planning, investing, and industry trends. Pelletier is an award-winning portfolio manager and is regularly featured in the media as a market strategist. He has over 20 years of investment industry experience, including senior-level positions in both institutional equity research and portfolio management. He has also been recognized within the industry for his passion for financial education and quality of service provided for his clients. Prior to co-founding TriVest and its sale to Wellington-Altus in early 2020, his career was focused on institutional equity research and capital markets primarily at two top-ranked boutique investment banks. 

Professional Experience

Academic History



  • Member, Oilweek Magazine's Class of 2012 Rising Stars

  • 2014 Calgary CFA Volunteer of the Year

  • 2017 Thomson Reuters Canada's Top 40 Social Influencers in Finance, Innovation and Risk

  • 2019 Wealth Professional Canada Leading Portfolio Managers

  • 2019 & 2020 Finalist, BlackRock Award for Canadian Portfolio/Discretionary Manager of the Year

  • 2021 Avenue Living Award for Canadian Portfolio/Discretionary Manager of the Year

  • 2022 Wealth Professional 5-Star Advisors

  • 2022  TriVest Wealth Professional Asset Manager of the Year