Absolute Return

Absolute Return

Absolute return investing describes a category of investment strategies and mutual funds that seek to earn a positive return over time—regardless of whether markets are going up, down, or sideways—and to do so with less volatility than stocks. It takes a different approach altogether. By doing away with conventional benchmarks and instead of striving for consistently positive performance and lower levels of volatility, absolute return funds can offer a number of potential benefits when added to a broadly diversified portfolio.

Entity Types

Mutual Fund


Investment Strategy



Mentioned by the Following


400 Capital Management
AGL Credit Management
AQR Capital Management
ARS Investment Partners
Advent Capital Management
Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation
Andurand Capital Management
AppleTree Capital
Archipelago Partners
Aristeia Capital
Bracebridge Capital
Brevan Howard
Broyhill Asset Management
Brummer & Partners
Capital Fund Management
Capital Management Group
Capula Investment Management
Corriente Advisors
EIA All Weather Alpha Partners
Eaton Vance
Essential Investment Partners
Flexible Plan Investments
GMT Capital
GSA Capital
Glennon Capital
Global Return Asset Management
Gluskin Sheff
Graham Capital Management
Greylock Capital Management
Haidar Capital Management
Highclere International Investors
Horton Point
Insight Investment
Morgan Creek Capital Management
New Century Advisors
Oceanwood Capital Management
PAA Research
Palm Valley Capital Management
PanAgora Asset Management
Prerequisite Capital Management
Prophecy Asset Management
QVR Advisors
Quadriga Asset Managers
RG Niederhoffer Capital Management
Rubic Capital
Segra Capital Management, LLC
Simplify Asset Management
Sloane Robinson
Stanford Management Company
Symons Capital Management
The Investment Integration Project
UBS O'Connor
Versor Investments
Wellesley Asset Management
Worm Capital


Abdallah Nauphal
Bob Rodriguez
David Matter
Eric Cinnamond
Etienne de Marsac
Frank Martin
Greg Miller
Harlan Korenvaes
Jack Schwager
Jayme Wiggins
Jerry Wagner
Marco Aiolfi
Marcus Frampton
Nancy Zimmerman
Steven Romick
Torben Skødeberg

Potential Benefits:

  • Reducing overall portfolio volatility
  • Limiting losses in down markets
  • Broadening the sources of investment returns
  • Providing valuable diversification potential
  • Improving a portfolio’s risk-adjusted return