RG Niederhoffer Capital Management

RG Niederhoffer Capital Management

Founding Date

RG Niederhoffer Capital Management provides a combination of strong absolute return and dependable downside protection for portfolios containing equities, hedge funds, fixed income, and other traditional and alternative assets. The firm employs a short-term, primarily contrarian strategy to invest systematically in the world’s largest and most liquid equity, fixed income, foreign exchange, and commodity markets.


Diversified Program

The Diversified Program seeks to provide both attractive stand-alone returns and consistent protection during equity declines and difficult periods for hedge fund portfolios. Unlike other trading programs, the Diversified Program seeks to maintain a consistent low or negative correlation to traditional and alternative investments.

Smart Alpha 2x Program

The Smart Alpha 2x program applies the strategy of the firm’s flagship Diversified Program to 16 highly liquid global Fixed Income and F/X markets. The program performs particularly well in volatile market conditions when investors are most susceptible to biased, predictable behavior.