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Transtrend specializes in active investment management through the development and application of systematic trading strategies. It aims to deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns uncorrelated to the major asset classes while investing in a responsible manner to contribute to the stability of the markets. Transtrend's strategies are active, absolute return strategies. They do not use benchmarks.


Diversified Trend Program

The Diversified Trend Program is the company's managed futures program, with a track record going back to 1992. DTP is designed to participate in trends. While DTP’s trading systems are only fueled by prices set in the markets they trade, the program is geared towards capturing the underlying trends.

Responsible investing

Transtrend aims to contribute to well-functioning, well-organized and reliable markets. At Transtrend, responsible investing means being an active investor, conscious of the role it has in the marketplace, aware of the impact it can have on markets, and aware of the fundamental role that markets have in our society.

Assets under management: USD 4.1 billion (as of December March 2021)