PanAgora Asset Management

PanAgora Asset Management

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Founding Date

PanAgora Asset Management is a quantitative investment management firm that capitalizes on inefficiencies across market cycles. It aims to deliver relative and absolute returns through distinct and innovative equity, multi-asset, and risk premia strategies. PanAgora builds strategies on a foundation of continuous, innovative research that integrates in‐depth fundamental insights with the breadth and discipline of sophisticated quantitative techniques.


Active Equity

Quantitatively based investment strategies seek to systematically identify and exploit inefficiencies in Equity markets.


Strategies designed to generate stable returns through thoughtful portfolio construction and diversified global exposure.

Defensive Equity

An investment approach that seeks to efficiently capture the Risk Premia associated with long-term factor exposures.

Sustainable Equity

A quantitative strategy that incorporates proprietary ESG factors that seek to add alpha and reduce risk, and can be customized to meet specific client directives.