Artemis Capital Management LP is an investment, research and technology firm that employs quantitative and behavioral-based trading models to generate returns from market volatility. The firm aims to transform stock market volatility into an opportunity for clients and protect them against the secular cycles that erode wealth. The firm focuses on managing risk and generating returns through strategies that capitalize on volatility, especially in equity markets.
Artemis Capital Management LP
Artemis Capital Management LP
Artemis Capital Management LP
Artemis Capital Management LP
Artemis Capital Management LP
Artemis Capital Management LP
Artemis employs research-driven, algorithmic methods to identify mispriced assets and capitalize on those opportunities.
The firm's strategies provide non-linear exposure to the left and right sides of the return distribution.
These policies, when combined with traditional investments, are expected to improve the risk-adjusted performance of the institutional portfolio.
With a strong foundation in quantitative research and systematic trading, the firm’s approach to risk management and investment is tailored for investors seeking to navigate and profit from the complexities of market volatility.