Electric Coin Company

Electric Coin Company

Entity Type
Founding Date

Electric Coin Company builds and supports technology to provide people with access to a fair and open currency. It is best recognized for world-class cryptography and engineering with consistent delivery across regulatory engagement, responsible disclosure and trademark protection. ECC supports Zcash through research and development, engineering, partnerships, and regulatory efforts.


Research and Development

Since 2016, ECC has been at the forefront of groundbreaking research and development—with implications beyond the cryptocurrency world.


ECC has established a reputation for shipping quality, production-ready code at regular intervals and has averaged more than one protocol network upgrade each year


ECC engages with regulators and policy-making bodies through consistent outreach and collaboration, feedback on proposed legislation and regulation, and educational activities designed to improve understanding of blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies in general, and Zcash specifically.


Zcash has become one of the most widely adopted digital currencies. It is available on top global exchanges and is supported by seven of the Bitwise Real 10, which measures cryptocurrency exchanges by real (vs. faked) transaction volume. 


ECC continues its commitment to openness and transparency, education and community development. Its work with programs like Crypto in Context, the Zcash Developer Alliance and many other programs demonstrate its zeal for learning, outreach and collaboration.