Naval Postgraduate School

Naval Postgraduate School

Entity Type
Founding Date

Naval Postgraduate School is a graduate research university that offers advanced degrees to the U.S. Armed Forces, DOD civilians and international partners. NPS provides defense-focused graduate education, including classified studies and interdisciplinary research, to advance the operational effectiveness, technological leadership and warfighting advantage of the Naval service. The school offers master’s and doctoral degrees in more than 70 fields of study to the U.S. Armed Forces, DOD civilians and international partners. It also offers research fellowship opportunities at the postdoctoral level through the National Academies' National Research Council research associateship program.


  • NPS aims to become the nation's leading institution for defense, higher education and applied research.

  • NPS aims to deliver transformative solutions and innovative leaders for decisive U.S. seapower and national defense.

  • NPS offers a vast selection - from applied undersea warfare to space systems engineering, from cyberspace to the business of defense management.


  • Applied Mathematics (MA

  • Computer Science (CS)

  • Defense Analysis (DA)

  • Department of Defense Management (DDM)

  • Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)

  • Information Sciences (IS) 

  • Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE)

  • Meteorology (MR)

  • National Security Affairs (NSA)

  • Oceanography (OC)

  • Operations Research (OR)

  • Physics (PH)

  • Systems Engineering (SE)