Chicago Real Estate Bubble

Chicago Real Estate Bubble

Full Name
Chicago Real Estate Bubble
Event Type

Chicago Real Estate Bubble is considered as the Most Affordable Global Real Estate Market in the World, with Chicago being the only one whose residential real estate is undervalued, according to the UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index 2019. According to UBS, of the housing markets in two dozen major cities around the world, Chicago’s is the least at risk of being in a bubble that could burst in the next few years. Chicago has consistently ranked as having the cheapest global real estate market with the lowest risk of being in a bubble, resulting in Chicago as a good real estate investment. In 2018, the Chicago real estate appreciation rate was running at about half the national rate; at 3 percent range when the nation was at 6 percent.

  • Greatest real estate crash in US Hisotry
  • Fueled by Canals which lead to a great US Midwestern migration
  • Fueled by cheap money and easy loans
  • 1936