Disruptor Sectors

Disruptor Sectors - Industry

Disruptor Sectors create a product, service, or way of doing things which displaces the existing market leaders and eventually replaces them at the helm of the sector. Disruption is not just about creating better ideas; it is also being defensive, and looking for new competition that might disrupt your industry in the future. Disruptors are generally entrepreneurs, outsiders, and idealists rather than industry insiders or market specialists, and often linked to the fast-moving technology industry. All the best recent disruptions have something important in common: They involve companies with the marketing common sense needed to solve customers’ headaches by using technology and cutting costs.



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Energy Outlook Advisors

New Disruptor Sectors

  • MILN - Millenials
  • LIT - Lithium
  • FINX - Fintech
  • BFIT - Health & Wellness
  • BOTZ - Robotics & AI
  • SNSR - Internet of Things
  • SOCL - Social Media

Old Disruptor Sectors