Chris Selth

Chris Selth

Formal First Name
Christopher (Chris)

Chris Selth is the Co-Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Beckon Capital. He is an award-winning fund manager and economist who has consistently delivered market-leading investment returns throughout his career of over 30 years. Selth has regularly delivered policy papers that have been influential, offering forward-thinking solutions to investment and economics. He is an active participant in policy research with ADC Forum, an independent think tank for solutions to issues impacting Australia and the Asia Pacific region.

Professional Experience

Academic History

  • Selth has expertise in technology, strategic appraisal of business models, economics, valuation, market technicals, portfolio construction, and financial risk management.
  • He believes the best way to maximize economic and human value is through people working within sustainable systems.  
  • The Nexus Initiative is the outcome of his policy and long-standing belief in human empowerment as a driver of not only financial and social wealth but also wellbeing.
  • He has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.