Scott Nammacher

Scott Nammacher

Formal First Name

Scott Nammacher is the Managing Director of Business Valuations at Empire Valuation Consultants. He is a recognized expert in the general field of valuing financial interests, including partnership interest valuations and intangible asset valuation. Nammacher has extensive experience in valuing all types of interests in hedge and private equity entities as well. Further, he has overseen solvency and fairness opinions on multiple situations including dividend recapitalizations.

  • Nammacher has experience in providing negative or positive assurance valuations to hedge and private equity firms looking for third party reviews of their marks.
  • He also does intellectual property valuation work for writers, artists, film/movie writers, and directors.
  • Industry areas of more extensive experience include valuations in the food and/or beverage businesses, publishing firms, money management, high-tech, financial services, large consumer companies, and restaurant chains.