Tim Grover is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of ATTACK Athletics. He is a businessman, consultant, and trainer who travels the world to teach the principles of relentless drive, results-driven performance, and mental toughness. Grover has been a prominent authority in the science and art of physical and mental dominance in athletics since 1989. Renowned for his innovative approach to developing strength, explosiveness, agility, speed, longevity, and elite performance, his success can be defined in one word: results.
Tim Grover Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
“I consider Tim Grover to be second to none in his knowledge of sports training, and an invaluable part of my training program.”
— Michael Jordan
“The guys who come to Tim know he can take them to the next level, and show them how to be the best at whatever they do, just as he has done for me. I have unbelievable trust and faith in him.”
— Dwyane Wade